Tuesday, May 28, 2013


A kame

Feature Fact File: Kames

What is a kame?
    A kame is a mound of well sorted sediment, usually sand or gravel. The sediment may be somewhat layered. They form in a variety of sizes and shapes, however, most are vaguely cone-shaped and are not very tall.

How do kames form?
    Kames form when melt water and the sediment it carries collect in a depression on the top of the glacier. Slowly, as the glacier melts, the collection of sediment is lowered to the ground where it forms a hill.

The formation of a kame (and some other features)

Where do kames form?
    Kames form near the snout of the glacier, where most of the ice is melting.

Fun Facts:
    The word kame is from the scottish word for “crooked and winding”.
    If lots of kames form in the same area, it is called a kame field.

Have a fantastic day!

Image Citations:

Kame. Digital image. Stories in Stone Travels in Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2013. <http://www.uleth.ca/edu/currlab/handouts/geology/ice52kamekettlebig.jpg>.

The formation of a kame and other glacial features. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2013. <http://www.york.ca/NR/rdonlyres/rc4kh3lhixia4pqjohahgeauigckxjlekrveimghsb77tr4qo4ynaw5tfsd7ao562nzxz2yk3esbsf63rnmr46wg5h/Kame.gif>.

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